Bookmaking with Axle, CHART,
and Jasmine Quinsier
Community Coloring Book
Community Coloring Book
January 2021
Axle Contemporary conceived of creating a coloring book of student illustrations on the theme of community as a way to keep students connected during remote teaching. Students met with visiting artist Brian Fleetwood (thanks to ARTsmart), picked words that represented community and created line drawings. The coloring book was then printed and distributed to the younger students at our school once we returned to in-person teaching in April. In addition, the images were printed on large sheets, which other students painted with acrylics. These posters are on display in the school cafeteria.
CHART Treasure Books
October 2021
CHART, the Culture, History, Art, Reconciliation and Truth Process for addressing Santa Fe monuments, gave an opportunity for my 6th grade students to Create books of things they treasure–from the past, and to give to the future. Students worked with graphic novelist Maureen Burdock to create their drawings, then put their drawings together into two accordion books.
Bookmaking with
Jasmine Quinsier
December 2021
Students made paste paper with combed designs to create book covers, and learned to do a Japanese style stab binding.